Expressing your true feelings…

Good evening,

There are so many times when feelings or emotions get me down – no matter what the situation is. Do you have them feelings that are just there constantly; that irritate, upset, or disappoint you but you can’t get rid of them?

Having feelings is about accepting that you and I are just human beings and that everyone has feelings and emotions; some people show it more than others but that doesn’t mean we’re weak for feeling a certain way or having emotions about something or someone. They’re not necessarily negative feelings. Feelings are just feelings. It’s no good keeping any feelings sheltered – express them! Don’t let the power of the world shut you up or stop you from expressing your emotions/feelings!

Feelings don’t have to be you declaring your love for someone – they can be the way others have made you feel or how you feel in general about certain situations. This maybe feeling lonely, sad, depressed, anxious, ill, let down or even feelings such as happiness!

Always get in touch with your feelings – the more you hide them, the more they’re under the surface. If you keep backing away from them, they stay there forever until you acknowledge them by bringing them up to the surface and figuring out how to express them. If you don’t have anyone you trust to speak to about them or maybe no one at all to speak to, I would always advise picking up a piece of paper and pen, and write down your feelings.

Being able to jot down your feelings, will be one huge step to resolving them. I know for me, it all started with me expressing my feelings and getting in touch with them. I learned to open up about them even if no one’s around, and I began writing them down. Even if you haven’t got any paper around you at the time of you needing it – write it in your phone. If you’re walking through town, feeling anxious or down, start typing your feelings out on your phone!

Always do things that make you feel good about you, things that will help clear your mind of any negative feelings. When you can’t do as much as you’d like to (maybe due to finances, other commitments or work), the worst thing you can do to your happiness and state of mind is make yourself feel bad about it. 

It would be much worse if you ignored your emotions and never discussed your feelings because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye; but regrets last a lifetime!


Expressing your feelings


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